Mental Health Awareness week at the Hub

There was plenty going on at the Hub during Mental Health Awareness Week 2024 (13th -19th May), with our wonderful Patron, Tim Cullen, introducing the week with this short video, filled with some great tips for how to support your wellbeing.

Movement: Moving more for our mental health

The theme of the week was 'Moments of Movement' and although movement is so important for our mental health, so many of us struggle to move enough. We know there are many different reasons for this, so during Mental Health Awareness Week, the Hub wanted to help people to find moments for movement in their daily routines.

The Hub staff ran a jam-packed timetable which included: a buffet lunch for over 30 people, breathwork and mindfulness sessions, visits from local businesses, art groups, movement talking groups, walking groups, scrabble & so much more!

Mental Health Resource provides our local community with free, unlimited mental health support, tools & the opportunity to connect with others.

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