Our impact Case studies Support for my depression "The Hub offers me a fantastic service to interact which has stopped my social isolation and has saved my life many times. We don’t look down on each other because we’ve got a mental illness; we just have a little natter with friends.” Before I was ill, I used to be quite a bubbly person but I started to experience flashbacks to a time when I was abused. I didn’t really understand what was happening to me and so I took an overdose because I had fallen into a deep depression and I thought I was going around the bend. I started coming to the Hub at Mental Health Resource over 20 years ago because I was brought by an OT from the hospital. At first, I used to sit and cry all the time, but now I am happy because I have been volunteering at the Hub for 8 years. I run the needlecraft group and sometimes a Ladies Group and I generally help out wherever else I am needed. The Hub is like a family and we all support each other by listening to each other. The staff at the Hub have seen me through all my illnesses and they even helped me get a Level 2 qualification in counselling. I am so grateful to all the staff at the Hub, the office staff and the Directors. They have done such a great job with me and other people. I now consider myself fully recovered and I wouldn’t have been able to recover without the help from the Hub. Manage Cookie Preferences